Today I created my own space on Google Docs. It is a space on the web where I can save my documents and works and share them with other people. Some friends of mine already used it and told me how it simplifies the way you work; however, I thought it was too difficult to use and so I never thought about creating my own space on Google Doc. Moreover, I had the impression that this instrument was quite unuseful for me.
I enjoyed our activity in class because I had the opportunity to create my space on Google Doc (otherwise I would have never done it) but I could see how useful it can be .
Infact, it has a lot of advantages:
- documents are saved on a web space, so it is possible to have access to them and work wherever I find myself (provided computer and connection!);
- I don't have to keep papers, notes, drive pens with me;
- I can change my work and add notes in any moment;
- I can share my work easily;
- I can decide with whom I want to share my work (trustfulness).
So, now I have a positive opinion about Google Doc and I'm going to use it very soon. Infact, I have to write some papers for my English Literature classes and nodoubtly I will use Google Doc to ask some friends of mine to revise them and give me some advices. It will be a very good opportunity for me to use Goole Doc and practise but also to introduce my friends this wonderful instrument!
Hi Anna,
RispondiEliminahow are you?
I agree with you when you say that Google Docs can be very useful for educational and professional purposes. It is far more simple than sending an e-mail with a Word file attached and having to revise it through the comment function!
I like you post because it is clear, well structured, readable and short :-D!
Just a couple of tips:
* I suggest you adding a link on the words 'Google Docs' to the home page of Google Docs; in this way, your readers can easily see what you're talking about.
* 'infact': you should spit it into 'in fact'; I don't know if you can leave it as a single word...
* ' I enjoyed our activity... but...': reading you sentence it seems that, ok, you enjoyed the activity BUT you didn't like something else. I think you can substitute 'but' with 'and' in order to avoid this misunderstanding!
* 'Drive pens': I think - but actually I'm not sure- that they're called pendrives... I don't know...
Ok, I think that's all!
See you soon in class!
Hello Anna!
RispondiEliminaIt had the same opinion as you did about Google Docs: I thought it was not useful for my needs, but now I really want to take advantage of this tool. I also like the fact that although it is online, it is safe because we decide who we want to share our docs with.
As for your English, I agree with Elisa’s comments, except for ‘drive pen’: I googled it and found quite a lot of results so I it’s probably ok.
-“Wherever I find myself”…I think you should say “wherever I am”
- ‘advice’ is uncountable….no plural s!
- I think you can’t introduce’ an instrument, only a person.
See you in class!!