mercoledì 29 aprile 2009

Google docs

What a nice discovery!!

Today I created my own space on Google Docs. It is a space on the web where I can save my documents and works and share them with other people. Some friends of mine already used it and told me how it simplifies the way you work; however, I thought it was too difficult to use and so I never thought about creating my own space on Google Doc. Moreover, I had the impression that this instrument was quite unuseful for me.

I enjoyed our activity in class because I had the opportunity to create my space on Google Doc (otherwise I would have never done it) but I could see how useful it can be .

Infact, it has a lot of advantages:

  • documents are saved on a web space, so it is possible to have access to them and work wherever I find myself (provided computer and connection!);
  • I don't have to keep papers, notes, drive pens with me;
  • I can change my work and add notes in any moment;
  • I can share my work easily;
  • I can decide with whom I want to share my work (trustfulness).

So, now I have a positive opinion about Google Doc and I'm going to use it very soon. Infact, I have to write some papers for my English Literature classes and nodoubtly I will use Google Doc to ask some friends of mine to revise them and give me some advices. It will be a very good opportunity for me to use Goole Doc and practise but also to introduce my friends this wonderful instrument!

sabato 25 aprile 2009

Style Guides

As far as a comparison between MLA and APA is concerned, I decided to compare books, online newspapers and movies because these are the sources I used to write my BA thesis. I wanted to check if I used a proper quotation style and I discovered that it was not correct and that I should have been preciser. I had difficulties because I didn't know if there was a proper style to list movies in the final references and now I know how to do it correctly.
Analysing these style guides I realized that I made mistakes in the way I cited online newspaper articles: in the final reference list I wrote the entire URL, on the contrary it is necessary to cite the article in the same way you cite a book (author, date, title of the article and of the newspaper, when the article was retrivered).
I think that good and precise references add professionality to a thesis, so it is necessary to write them correctly!
These style guides provided me useful instruments to erase any doubts and avoid mistakes in the future!


According to the style guides provided, both APA and MLA put the author's name at the beginning and the location of the publisher at the end. The difference between them is the style of the title ( title for APA and title underlined for MLA) and the year of publication (APA puts it after the suthor'd name, MLA at the end).


In this case the style guide provided by APA is simpler and shorter; the order is: author's name, (yeasr, month date). Title of the article. Title of the newspaper. Retrived from (URL). The style of the MLA guide is longer and more complex: author's name. "Title of the article". Title of the newspaper (underlined) day month year, edition.Day month year of access (URL).


The MLA style guide requires the title (underlined) at the beginning, then the director's name, the performers' names, the distributor and the date. The APA style guide cites the movie references in the same way it cites written resources: firstly the producers' and director's names, then the date in brachets, the title of the movie, the country and the distributor. After the title of the movie it is necessary to specify the type of movie, for example [motion picture].

giovedì 23 aprile 2009

Is my academic article readable???

Hi friends!
Here is the link to the academic article I chose to analyse; it is a critic of a novel I had to read for my American Literature classes. The novel is "Praisong for the Widow" and it is beautiful: let me suggest you to read it! The article is a bit long but I think it is very well written and readable.

"Embodying Cultural Memory in Paule Marshall's Praisong for the Widow" by Susan Rogers:

Text cohesion:

There seems to be no sense of incompatibility between (pointing forward) the body as a source of knowledge and the importance of separating mind from body. These pointing backward) disparities will be discussed for what they can productively reveal about the difficulties of negotiating autonomy in a racist society. My thesis is that these contradictions (pointing backwards), rather than undermining the novel's integrity, go to the heart of the sense of diaspora disconnection which the book communicates. These tensions (pointing backwards)are expressive of attempts to escape bodies' limiting associations, while finding in an individual's body a source of identity denied by ideological denigration of black bodies.

Logical flow of ideas:

Through the processes of extreme physical discomfort, illness, purging, healing, bathing, and dancing, Avey is able to make an emotional journey that restores her awareness of he r cultural inheritance. I will argue, however, that the novel's portrayal of Avey's emotional and physical rebirth, while raising important questions about the cultural identity of African and Caribbean Americans, is disconcerting in terms of the suggestion that it is possible to return to an unmediated state of being, to a tabula rasa of mind and body.

Avey does not pity these people, however, but feels awe and respect for their determination to preserve their heritage against the odds. Furthermore, their fete livens up when they begin the creole dances which acknowledge not a specific traceable connection with African groups but a general ancestral connection

The novel's conclusion, then, posits a solution to Avey's crisis of cultural disinheritance that calls attention to the plural origins of African American culture. However, although much of the novel proposes that cultural identity has a certain grounding in physicality, its conclusion, by repeating her ancestor's refrain, remains anxious about such a grounding. The shifting approaches to physicality within the novel, therefore, communicate powerfully the impact of cultural disinheritance created by the African diaspora.

Text cohesion:

This paper aims to examine the way the body functions in the text not only as an indicator of personal consciousness, but also as a metaphor for African people's cultural disinheritance created by the African diaspora. It also aims to draw attention to the disparity presented in the novel between acknowledging the body as an avenue of expression and yet wanting to escape its limitations.

The text explicitly acknowledges the workings of social practice in contributing to an individual and collective understanding of physicality. Yet, simultaneously, events in the novel present a body's inherent knowledge as a resource for overcoming social and cultural disenfranchisement. Marshall's text does not confront its own contradictions: The differing attitudes to Avey's body are not addressed, but are presented as a coherent solution to her personal crisis.

The separation of mind and body, Christian states, "is characterized not as! fragmentation but as a source of Wisdom" (150). This separation was initially enabling for people of African descent because, while their bodies might have been enslaved, they were able to determine their freedom by recalling Africa "as the source of their being" (152).

In Marshall's novel the body, as a source of collective memory, functions as a crucial symbol of the need to discover, to recall the self, outside of hegemonic social and political prescriptions. Yet the text also imparts an astute awareness of the dangers, for black Americans, of focusing on corporeal locatedness in a society whose ruling classes designate blackness as subordinate. Despite Avey's search for a culturally complete self, the novel is unable to reconcile two very different understandings of bodily existence. Yet through this irreconcilability, as much as through the depiction of cultural reclamation, the novel exposes a pivotal feature of the diaspora experience it is concerned with relating.


The idea, suggested in the novel, that Avey's memories of Africa are an essential part of her being, while her American identity is a socially constructed one, is problematic.

It is in this section that Avey Johnson, the novel's protagonist, becomes aware of her body as a repository of memory, as a place where physical sensation echoes emotional feeling. This awareness is pivotal in Avey's progress from a state of denial to acceptance of her heritage. This essay aims to explore Marshall's construction of a fictional body as a site of cultural expression and memory. Avey's body communicates to her what she has taught her conscious mind to ignore: her disconnection from her own sense of herself and from the African-American and Caribbean heritage which is a crucial part of that self.

In my opinion these examples show that the text has a clear structure because the main topics are expressed in short simple sentences separated by full stops. Moreover, further clarification are introduced by semicolons.

The audience:

I think that this article is addressed both to university students as well as professors because it was written by a graduate student. Its style is simple but its content (in terms of theories and concepts) is complex and requires an educated audience.

Susan Rogers is a graduate student at Hull University in England. She is currently completing her Ph.D. thesis on constructions of embodiment in contemporary fiction concerned with the legacies of slavery.

In conclusion, I think that this article is readable because it developes different topics but they are linked in a logical way. Therefore, the text has cohesion and it is easy to read it critically.

As far as blog posts are concerned, I believe that they should be clear and cohesive and have a logical structure. They should be readable as well, I mean. They would become more attractive and easier to understand!

I think that writing blog posts is a nice and useful writing practice because it forces you to organise your thoughts in a logical way. Blogging is communication: an efficient communication on blogs is an efficient communication elsewhere!

mercoledì 22 aprile 2009

How to avoid plagiarism?

Hi everybody!
I would like to tell you that I appreciated a lot the fact that we discussed the problem of plagiarism in class. I think that it is a serious problem and it is necessary for us to understand how it is possible to avoid it. Maybe someone of us will try the academic career after their bachelor's degree and this implies writing and publishing papers as well. So, it is time to learn how to manage this "dangerous" topic!

As far as plagiarism on blogs is concerned, I haven't found useful and reliable material on the net. Maybe some of you can help me: have you done interesting discoveries? Would you like to share them with me, please?

My blogging experience is recent, so I don't know the blogging environment
very well and I'm not particularly confident of the information I find. Anyway, I think that plagiarism exsists on blogs as well, as I discovered by googling "regulating plagiarism in everyday blogging practices"; I red a blog posted by a boy who complained that someone else copied pictures and ideas from his blog.
My personal impression is that it seems difficult to regulate plagiarism on blogs, although necessary. The difficulty lies in the fact that blogs are considerd, and are, a personal space and so they are not very reliable and worthy of a legal regulation.
What do you think about it?? If you are good and experienced bloggers, would you give me some advices? In your opinion are my considerations wrong?


domenica 5 aprile 2009

Evaluating online sources

Today we did a very interesting and useful activity in class: we discussed how it is possible to evaluate the trustfulness of online information sources; we went through guides and advices published online by the Unversity of Essex, San Diego and the OWL and eventually drew our personal list of criteria we need to follow when searching information on the net. I found these guides very useful because they helped me to clarify some doubts about online sources; when I search some pieces of information on the net I am always a bit confused because I don't have precise criteria to evaluate these sources as trustful or not. Moreover, I appreciated this activity at best because it will help me researching materials and information for my thesis. The tipps I preferred were those given by the Essex University:
because they were presented and organised in a more practical way.
Another stimulating discovery was Google Scholar: a very good instrument to search academic articles and papers; I also learned how to save my bookmarks in delicious: absolutely wonderful!! I made a research using Google Bolg and I found out very interesting and trustful blogs like this one:
full of materials and links.
Nodoublty I am very satisfied with all these new instruments I am learning to use, which will provide me with a wider competence for an efficent use of the net as well as materials and sources for my thesis!